• The Events Industry Forum, Engine Rooms, Station Road, Chepstow, NP16 5PB

Purple Guide Grants

The Events Industry Forum invites applications for grants for projects that will benefit the events industry.

The Events Industry Forum is committed to supporting the development and professionalism of the UK outdoor events industry by promoting good practice and by providing funding for projects that will benefit the industry.

As a not-for-profit organisation, all available funds raised from sales of the Purple Guide are ring-fenced for re-investment in the industry, largely through grants for projects that the Board considers will benefit the industry.

The Board welcomes applications for grants and will generally consider these twice a year, in March and October.   However, under exceptional circumstances it will consider applications outside these times if the Board deems it necessary.

Grant Guidelines

Applications must conform to the following guidelines:

  • Applications must be able to demonstrate a purpose that will benefit and support the interests of the outdoor events industry generally.
  • Applications must be non-commercial in that the benefits are freely accessible to the industry and not subject to any form of commercial commitment.
  • Applicants must agree to provide EIF with regular progress reports on projects being funded and a detailed final report on the project at its conclusion, as well as to these reports being published on the EIF website.
  • Grant recipients must agree to issue press releases both before and after the project recognising EIF’s funding support. Press releases must be approved by EIF prior to being issued.
  • Grant recipients must agree to present the results of the project to EIF members either via a Zoom or face-to-face meeting.
  • Any publication, report or marketing material produced referring to the project must acknowledge EiF’s funding support.


All applications that meet the above criteria will be considered by the EIF Board and applicants will be notified of the outcome.  

Grants will be awarded on the basis of staged payments over the duration of the project and recipients will be expected to submit a written progress report at the end of each stage.  

After the initial payment is made at the start of the project, further payments will be made once the Board has viewed and agreed each progress report.

The EIF Board may withhold future payments if it is not satisfied that the project is meeting the staged objectives set out in the application.

Payments will only be made by BACS into a UK bank account registered to the organisation applying for the grant.

How to Apply

To apply for a grant please complete this application form

And send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

EIF Decision Process

Applications for grants will be considered at a meeting of the EIF Directors and applicants will be notified of the outcome at least two weeks after each meeting together, where possible, with their reasoning.  

Grants so far made include:

  • Bursaries for four event students to attend the Association of Festival Organisers’ conference (£2000)
  • Penny Mellor for development of the Event Welfare Guide – now published alongside the Purple Guide (£2000)
  • Powerful Thinking for research to support the publication of the second edition of their event energy management guide (£2400)
  • Bournemouth University for research to support the case for events to be included in the remit for the Creative Industries Council (£4000)
  • The British Pyrotechnic Association research into the reliability of igniters (£1,500) - click here to see report on findings
  • Vision 25. A 3-year funding support for Vision 2025: A Vision For a Sustainable Industry (£30,000) - click here to see the final report on the project
  • MUTA – contribution towards the development an e-learning course on how to erect a temporary structure safely and effectively (£6,650) –  Click here to see the final report
  • Attitude is Everything – to provide training to help make smaller events more accessible to disabled audiences, artists and employee/volunteers (£9,350) You can read the final report here
  • Vision 2025 %u2013 to produce and publish the Green Code and to launch it at a conference (£30,000)
  • Leeds Beckett University – to undertake research into career development in the outdoor events industry (£14,811.19) You can find out more here
  • The Loop – contribution towards the cost of training to support their work in reducing harm caused by the use of drugs at outdoor events (£29,000) You can find out more here. 6 monthly update. 12-month update
  • www.eventsapprenticeships.org £20,000 to help it develop and promote apprenticeships in the events industry. You can read the report here
  • UKCMA - contribution to support the launch of a national security conference in March 2024 - £8,000
  • Power of Events - £10,000 contribution towards the development of inspirational careers guidance for 11-19 year-olds with particular focus on outdoor events. You can see the final report here
  • Network of Women in Events (NOWIE) - to help the development of a report  on how to improve the experiences of women working in events - £5000
  • Association of Festival Organisers - £42,000 to research the UK festival sector
  • Oxford Brookes Business School - £2880 for the development of a wellbeing guide for children at festivals & events.
  • Neon Performing Arts - £7102.64 to provide training and work experience for 20 young people in event management and delivery.

Projects Funded

  • Research into the outdoor events industry (£65,000)

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£226k Awarded

With funds raised from subscriptions since the relaunch of the Purple Guide, the Events Industry Forum (EIF) has issued over £226,000 in grants for projects supporting the outdoor events industry.   In addition, it has funded £65,000 in research.

If you have a project or idea which you believe may qualify for support, visit the Purple Guide grants page to learn more.

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